Black & White Management

My casting

MY CASTING is a brand new interactive service dedicated to all our clients to make it possible to realize an on line casting in a very easy and quick way.

How MY CASTING works:

Browsing inside the available categories, like Cinema, Commercial and Fashion or simply making some specific researches using “SEARCH” (through key words such as region, nationality, physical characteristics, dialects, spoken languages, etc.) you can realize your casting with just one click on your favourite characters in MY CASTING section.

To insert a character in MY CASTING you just need to click on “add in my casting”, which is inside each of our talent pages.

Once your selection is made go back to the section MY CASTING, fill out the form pointing out all the project’s details and with just one click your casting will be sent to our and your email address with the images of all your chosen characters attached. So… make your casting and you’ll be immediately contacted.